There are four emergency exits in each of the Medical Plazas. Please proceed to the nearest unobstructed exit in the event of an emergency. Upon exiting the premises, continue to your company-designated assembly point.
Persons having any mobility impairment need to be considered prior to any need for evacuation. It is necessary for tenants to notify Property Management of any mobility-impaired tenants that may require special assistance in the event of an evacuation. A list must be maintained and updated as necessary.
Mobility-impaired occupants may require special assistance in the event of a fire evacuation. Occupants not requiring assistance should evacuate first. This avoids the possibility of person(s) in need of assistance being bumped and/or falling down, thus slowing evacuation and/or causing injury. If there is evidence of fire, person(s) needing special assistance should be positioned in the nearest elevator lobby and press the emergency station button located in the elevator lobby and wait for the Fire Department. If the mobility impaired person(s) enters the elevator lobby, someone should notify the fire department of their location in the elevator lobby and that they require special assistance in evacuating. Should a medical emergency occur where emergency personnel are called, if possible, please inform the Property Management Office at 303.980.0064. Property Management staff will be standing by to assist in transporting the medical team to the appropriate area and assist the medical team to expedite their departure from the building by way of the elevator.
In the event of a fire in the building, an alarm will sound to indicate that persons must evacuate the building. The Property Management staff has specific duties that must be completed in order to identify the emergency situation and assist the appropriate personnel.
Please do not call the Management Office to ask if an alarm is real. Unless your office has been notified in advance by the Management Office via text or phone call, if you hear an alarm, you can assume there is an emergency in the building and should evacuate immediately. Building maintenance and emergency personnel will silence the alarm as soon as the emergency situation is under control. False fire alarms occur from time to time. Property Management is unaware of whether an unexpected alarm is an actual alarm or a false alarm. This determination is not made until the source of the alarm is investigated by a maintenance engineer. Assume that all unannounced alarms are true alarms and proceed with evacuating your staff and visitors.