These guidelines have been developed to ensure the safety of you and your staff. Following these guidelines will protect the people handling the move as well as your property and the building. These guidelines are in no way meant to hamper or restrict your process, but rather to safeguard the elements involved.
If you are moving in or out of your suite, please download the Move In/Out Procedures form and email, fax or deliver it to the Management Office.
Your Property Manager will schedule a move out meeting prior to your move out date to discuss the details of your move and will also provide a move out information packet to assist you. The following is a list of items which outline your responsibilities in the move-out process. The space should be returned in a well-maintained condition, with normal wear and tear of certain areas acceptable. The following list is designed to assist you in your move but is not intended to be all-inclusive. If you have any questions regarding these procedures, please contact the Management Office at 303.980.0064.